Keeping up shop and safely!

Store owners keep your employees safe! Well as safe as you can. Did you know that cameras deter most robberies. Of course not all of them..... arm the outside of your store with these ones.....
Professional Dummy Camera
Cheap and effective!!! also good for home use!

And for the inside of your store deck it out inexpensive and reliable!
4 Channel Wired USB DVR Complete System
Also Cheap And Super handy!!!!

Child Safety Kits

Wow, this has got to be the #1 Item for any parent or friend of a parent. I just got this kit today and all I can say is wow. This is a great gift and is a MUST HAVE for a parent of a young child.....check it out.....
Child Safety Kit

Safety In Numbers

Is it true there is safety in numbers?
Yes there is but we all know we can't go out all the times in herds. And reality calls into perspective the fact that even when we go out in groups a desperate mugger will attack no matter what or who you are with. Tips for staying safe even when with people are very simple. Keep self defense tools at your disposal. New technology has proven that self defense doesn't have to be a karate class or a huge can of pepper spray attached to your hip. And it doesn't have to be expensive, even though I know sometimes $1.00 is hard to let go of.
The most innovated weapon of choice for me personally is a ring, it sits on my middle finger on my right hand. In this ring is one of the most hottest powerful sprays that will have any grown man, high or not on his knees in pain. You would think wow thats got to be a huge ring. Its not its cute and is very easy to use but not so easy that when you wear it and when you say hi to your friend you attack at the same time. Its priced under $30.00 and is the last thing any one would think of as a weapon. And it could just help you out or save your life.
Click Here To Purchase Yours!
Makes a great gift too.

Pool Safety for Children and Pets A Must have!

Do you like many of us have a pool? Do you have children or pets that keep you on edge when near the pool.
This is one of the best products you can purchase for pool safety.
Pool Alarm
This alarm is a must have for anyone who has children or has children over. This detects anything that falls into the water and sounds the alarm. I have one of these and it is a god send because if you have a toddler like I do there are some times when we as parents in our house lose track of them just for one little second.
Pool Alarm

Animal Protection?

Have you ever walked down the street and in the corner of your eye saw a dog loose and heading your way. We all have. Have you ever been so scared of neighborhood dogs that are always loose. Now you don't have too. I know that it is the owners responsibility to keep their dogs on their property, but you know as well I do that some people should not be owners of another live creature.
Electronic Dog Chaser This discomforting but not harmful high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz), audible to dogs but not to humans. And, the second is a super bright LED flashing strobe that temporarily blinds and confuses the dog. Helps stop the approach of unwanted dogs up to 40 feet.

Self Defense the smart way!

With all the violence that is happening around the Orlando area it was only a matter of time that learning to defend yourself is inevitable. One company has made self defense a easy obtainable goal. Whether you are out alone taking a mid-morning walk or running some errands, you need to be protected. You need something that is effective in keeping bad people away from you. These tools are now available for everyone. Women, men, small businesses and more all at such affordable prices.
Everyday I will post a new innovated way to keep your self as safe as you can.
Today I will start with us women.
We are all vulnerable even if we think otherwise. If you are walking or taking a run it is always preferred that you buddy up. But some of us don't have a running buddy. I have found a couple of products that will be your new buddy.
Gold Stunning Ring
This is a beautiful Gold Ring that doubles as a nasty pepper spray. No attacker would ever know that you are packing some fierce protection.

Lipstick Pepper Spray
Thats right you can keep this in your purse and is also a massive tool. This lipstick case is so clever that if you ever feel in danger you just take out this lipstick case and you can feel safer because packed inside is a massive dose of hurt.
800,000 volt cell phone stun gun w/ Free Holster and Batteries
If you don't like lipstick or rings then here is a wonderful cell phone that doubles as a 800,000 volt Stun Gun with holster and charger! Fool any attacker! This stun gun also has a personal alarm to alert other people of danger.

Remember these are tools to help you get away safely~ and to protect YOU and what you hold dear to you!

New FTC Regulations state that I must put in here if I get paid for this...... Well hell yea I do the company gives me 10% of any sales so if you buy from my link then I will get paid, its called a small business and its how I feed my family. I work online so I don't have to be on welfare. So Here is my statement.... It is on every blog I write...